Camp Fire Golden Empire | Camp Gold Hollow

Fire Tenders Membership

Become a Founding Member of Camp Fire Golden Empire Fire Tenders!

Joining Fire Tenders is a way to demonstrate your continuing support for increasing opportunities for children in Northern California to find their spark.

You are invited to join 99 other members who commit $100 or more per year for the expansion of year-round children’s programs.

Your support of Camp Fire Golden Empire, home of Camp Gold Hollow, was one of inspiration for forming the Fire Tenders, a philanthropic group who are willing to commit to a yearly donation of $100 or more. As an individual it can be difficult to make a very large impact, but as a group we have the ability to a difference that we may have not thought possible. With your first contribution of $100 or more, you will be joining 99 other people who feel passionately about ensuring that children in Northern California have the opportunity to grow in a safe, supportive environment. Your continuing support will help expand our out-of-school programs and enable us to add new experiences for all ages. And best of all, we will be able to continue our wonderful Camp Gold Hollow traditions at Lake Vera.

No need to fill out lengthy forms, we'll do that for you from the information on your check or your PayPal payment. Just add the words "Fire Tenders" to the notes for either option.

Mail your check payable to Camp Fire Golden Empire for $100 or more to:

Camp Fire Golden Empire

401 Amador Street

Vallejo, CA 94590

Or click the PayPal payment button below.

You will receive acknowledgement of your generous contribution for income tax purposes. Please also share this opportunity with others you think would want be a "Founding Member" of the Fire Tenders.

Our Promise

Young people want to shape the world.

Camp Fire provides the opportunity to find their spark, lift their voice, and discover who they are.

In Camp Fire, it begins now.

Light the fire within