Camp Fire Golden Empire | Camp Gold Hollow

WoHeLo Family Camp

WoHeLo Family Camp Register Now!

An Outdoor Experience for Families Living with Autism

Camp Gold Hollow, Nevada City, CA

Welcome to the 9th summer that Camp Gold Hollow has offered an outdoor adventure for families with special needs. Director Jennifer Platt (Crunch) and a highly skilled staff combine their knowledge of outdoor program planning and special needs education to bring a balance between new experiences in an outdoor setting while providing the program accommodations needed to ensure a successful camping event for your family.


  • Day camp, overnight, and weekend camp program options.
  • Canoeing, swimming, archery, crafts, nature, hiking, outdoor cooking, orienteering, singing, and games are offered and tailored to be age and skill appropriate.
  • Small group family experience.


  • Represent a varied background in professional Camp Fire programming, outdoor programming, and ASD services.
  • Trained EMT/Paramedics, certified waterfront lifeguards, and certified cooks are a part of the camp staffing to ensure the highest level of health and safety.
  • Emergency medical services are located 10 minutes away in Nevada City.


  • Located 10 minutes outside of Nevada City/Grass Valley, 90 minutes from Sacramento.
  • Beautifully situated in a natural pine and oak forest next to a small lake. The terrain is a combination of level, mixed with small hills. Facilities are accessed by dirt trails.
  • Flush toilets and hot showers.
  • Meals are outdoors.
  • Overnight accommodations  at camp include an outdoor platform with mattresses and cots provided. Family provided tents can be set up on platforms if desired or mattresses can be placed on indoor wooden bunks in a small, rustic kiosk attached to each platform.

Camper Participation

Participants with ASD diagnosis need to display the following targeted abilities:

  • Understand and follow simple directions. (Come here, sit down, don’t touch, watch me)
  • Handle outdoor terrain (hills and trails).
  • Participate in a new environment.
  • Have any special medical needs be able to be met by parent.
  • Limited special needs diet. Can service gluten/dairy free, vegetarian and vegan.


Day Camp:  $65 per person, Sunday, June 9th, 9:30am – after dinner (includes lunch, dinner & snacks)

Overnight Camp:  $90 per person, Saturday, June 8th, 1 pm – Sunday, June 9th after evening campfire (Includes Saturday dinner – Sunday dinner, 4 meals & snacks)

Weekend Camp:  $100 per person, Saturday, June 8th, 1 pm – Monday, June 10th, 10am (Includes Saturday lunch – Monday breakfast, 5 meals & snacks).  


Other Policies: 

Cancellation PolicyCancel by May 17th, full refund except registration fee of $25 

Refunds:  Refunds will not be given for early departure from camp


Our Promise

Young people want to shape the world.

Camp Fire provides the opportunity to find their spark, lift their voice, and discover who they are.

In Camp Fire, it begins now.

Light the fire within