Gold Hollow Camperships
Campership Information/Application
Please note: Campership is awarded based on need and funds available.
To apply for a Campership:
- Register for camp. Complete camp registrations forms and pay the required deposit. All campers are required to pay the deposit, even if applying for a Campership.
- Download and complete the application here.
- Submit the following to the Council no later than May 12:
- The completed application.
- A letter from the child describing why they would like to go to camp, what they hope to learn and do while they are there, what they have done in the past year to help their community and/or the Council, and what they plan to do in the future to help their community and the Council.
- A letter from the parent, stating how much they are able to pay toward the summer camp session, and describing how they believe their child will benefit from attending camp, what the parent has done in the past year to help their community and/or the Council, and what they plan to do in the future to help their community and the Council.
The Board of Directors makes the final decision on Campership awards and families will be notified by the end of June.
Send the completed application and letters to:
Camp Fire Golden Empire Campership Application
c/o Liz Geyer
442 Pimlico Drive
Walnut Creek CA 94597
Young people want to shape the world.
Camp Fire provides the opportunity to find their spark, lift their voice, and discover who they are.
In Camp Fire, it begins now.
Light the fire within